We offer a variety of specialised training courses and workshops designed to enhance the technological knowledge and capacity gaps of professionals working in diverse career sector. Freketrix Technologies is the finest in providing Software training courses to Individuals, Groups and Corporate bodies.
Today, more than ever, competent professionals are difficult to find. Hence, software knowledge has become a very critical resource. The more knowledge you have, the more valuable you become to yourself and organization. Remember, a higher value often results in higher pay. Do well to download our study app and enroll today.
However, our interest is for those pursuing excellence and improvement in their chosen career, specifically Technicians, Technologist, Engineers, Architects, Builders, Accountants, Economist, Information Technologists, Managers, and Science oriented persons with a basic computer knowledge.
We understand that a good teacher makes all the difference. That is why each course is uniquely authored and instructed by an expert, to transfer knowledge at its best.
You can rely on us to become a complete professional in three weeks. You will develop your personal skills in a fast and cheapest way possible. Download any of study our apps to get started.
General Benefits of our Training
At the of each training, you will:Download our Enroll Now
Training Modes
In-house Mode: In-house Mode of training leverages the advantages of collaboration and perspective of attendees to meet the tutor physically. It consists of One-to-One discussion with the instructor.
Selpaced Mode: Selpaced mode is targeted toward remote trainees who cannot come to the training center. This mode gives trainees the option to work independently to meet course objectives.
Our Tutors have full academic, professional and teaching qualifications.
Download our study app and enroll today
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